The Complete Guide to Amazing Customer Interactions – Part 2

Redefining What Customers Mean To Your Business
Welcome back to Viewabo’s Complete Guide to Amazing Customer Interactions, Part 2 of 3. If you missed Part 1, click here to learn about customer interaction and the type of customers you may encounter. Part 2 will continue with the stages and the different types of customer interactions.
The 5 Stages Of The Customer Interaction Cycle
Similar to a marketing and sales funnel, the customer interaction cycle has 5 definable stages. Below are descriptions and examples of the 5 stages:
First, customers need to learn about your product and offerings through different channels and mediums. Awareness is the initial stage of customer interaction. For example, a customer sees a social media advertisement and clicks to see more information on your online store.
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Secondly, after the customer learned about your brand, they need to determine if your goods or services are appropriate for their needs. For example, the customer looks at different products in your online store and does a Google search for a review video.
Next, the customer prepares to purchase from you after their assessment. For example, the customer returns to your online store to purchase items.
After the sale, the next phase involves strengthening the bond with the customer through efficient support services. For example, the customer missed a discount code. They go on to your website to find the 24 hours customer chatbox to talk to a live customer service agent about what to do.
Finally, customers that have a positive impression of your business may promote your brand. For example, after the customer service agent applies the discount, the impressed customer shares their experience on social media. The customer service agent helps the customer sign up for a weekly newsletter, which included promotions and company news. The customer uses the newsletter to find more deals on great products they will continually buy in the future.
Related links: Customer Retention Strategies For Practical Profitability
The 4 Main Types Of Custom Interactions
Carefully think through in-person and digital customer interactions. For the examples above, from the initial stage of how the customer was introduced all the way to how customer service was provided was all part of customer interaction management.
The Different Kinds Of Customer Interactions
What kinds of interactions should a business expect? Below are 4 general types of customer interactions that most businesses encounter daily:
The most sought after interaction from customers is for more information. Customers may need clarification on features, demonstrations, or tips on how to get started. Relevant communication materials can be prepared and shared by self-help options or online. In-person interaction is always an excellent option to captivate customers for the deepest level of engagement.
If a customer has a problem, they contact the business for assistance finding resolutions. Complaints should be addressed by knowledgeable customer service agents or digitally through forums and chatbots.
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Customers may request product improvements, customization, or new product offerings. Requests are a great way to help build more robust and customer-driven products in the future.
Positive customer encounters may include compliments from your consumers. This lets you know they value your business and are satisfied with your offerings. Happy customers lead to recommendations and good word-of-mouth.
What’s Next?
Stay tuned for the final part of this series in part 3 which will cover why customer interaction is essential to a business’s success and multiple ways to improve them.